Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello all

Well I have not seen Dark Knight so I won’t commit on how the movie is.
Every time I read my news ticker from Yahoo its saying Dark Knight has hit another mind stone in making the most money.
I just wondering something it’s made millions of dollars so far but why?
There’s an article on yahoo saying Dark Knight" director surprised at film success but question that remains would it have been such a success if Heath Ledger had not died,
Is this why everyone rushing too see the movie, because or are there that many Batman fans out there?
Now don’t get me wrong my friend has a blog went and saw the midnight showing and he did his own review on the flim, He did a much better then mine and he’d mention that Heath Ledger was amazing mad man being the joker, but would it had been such a great success if Heath Ledger had not died or would it just have been a regualr type hero movie?
I fine this mind bogging, this movie had made over at the North American box office for a second weekend racing past $300 million in a record 10 days,
That a lot of money I also know of a few people that have seen it 3-4 times already,
I just hoping that it’s not going to hurt the next Batman movie that comes to theaters
Who ever the villain is has a lot to live up too since Heath Ledger did such a fantastic job playing the joker will the new villain be able to live up to his status.

I'll guess will have to wait and see. Sean

Sunday, July 27, 2008

It’s all about the pool and the slide

It’s all about the slide,

Well today we drop Dee to camp, but before we drop her off we stop in to visit Laura, Larry, Mason and Ryan there are growing up so quickly I had'nt see them any of them in a very long time, it was great to catch up!

We got to Laura and Larry’s around 2pm.
Mason and Rayn’s had swing set and a little swimming pool with a play slide that went in to the pool, Well Briana saw this and that was it she went and got her swimsuit, it was very funny seeing her slide down and splashing in the pool.
Mason and Briana played in the pool for most of the afternoon, we had to cut it short because Briana was starting to turn blue she was so cold and it started to rain, We all made in side before everyone got wet.
Laura had set up a wonderful little fruit tray and meat slices and vegs tray, well let me say it was so delicious, Briana really enjoyed it because she ate almost all the strawberries she had composition with Ryan, that boy can EAT! And always thought Briana was fruit addicted Ryan is pretty good also. I think thats better then junk food!

The kids played inside with all Mason and Ryan's toys, the kids ate some more food, I kept thinking to myself where the hollow leg?

After we visited with Laura and Larry we started to head out and drop Dee off at camp she been there before she’d been a volunteer counsellor, last year looking after the Autism kids, she really enjoyed, It also breaks up a very long summer for her.
On the way home after we drop Dee off Briana was getting hungry again and so was mommy and daddy so we stop of at Briana favorite spot Mc Donald’s I took a cute picture of Briana eatting a french frie.

Well that’s about it for today

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Briana Playing Briana Daycare and update on my mom!

Good Day,
Well I had Briana yesterday for part of the afternoon, let me tell she was in a ripe mood she was whiney and very grouching and she refused to take a nap! Mind you I feel asleep no problem well, she sat in on our bed watching treehouse and waking me up every 15 minutes asking if mommy was home LOL so I didn’t get much sleep.

On Sunday she did something funny, she decide to have Briana daycare in the kitchen so she got most of her blankets and teddy bears and monkeys.

Then sat them on our cushions had them lined up for there naptime as read them stories to put

them to sleep, It was very cute.

Well I finally able to have a shower this morning it was great, because of my leg I was not able to
shower, I could only wash up in the bathroom sink and wash my hair, but on Tuesday my nurse said I could have a shower and then just change the bandied after.
It was very nice to feel clean again LOL and fresh smelling.
My mom’s still in the hospital but she was moved from RVH to Orillia she doing ok still not much improvement; That I and all my family can see.

There’s a group meeting with doctors at the end of July to see where her progress is going and what can be done for her, but its almost been 1 year since, she went in on Sept 13th 2007 and still trying to recover from everything.

In the meantime we still have my mom’s house up for sale its crazy no one wants to buy it, we had offers but there just to low for us maybe being picky but I just don’t’ want to let it go for nothing, we enough money to pay everything off still won’t have enough money to cover everything I believe.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Update, and I-Phone WOW

Hello All,

My update on what’s been happing,

My nurse say how great my leg is looking, I have to admit she right its gotten so much smaller in the past few weeks, in the meantime I am hoping my leg does look to bad tomorrow, as I got in my car yesterday I hit the darn same spot on the dashboard again, Now I did not hit that hard and it was all warp up so hoping it took the hit and not the leg, Let you all know as soon as I can.

Briana been really good she really enjoying daycare 4 times a week and so far I find myself keeping pretty busy with learning to draw and doing other little household jobs.

Last week I received my iphone all I can say is WOW what a great device, I do have some issues with it, no push email like my blackberry the battery can’t be changed and there some functions I can see that I’m going too miss, I’ll do a better review of my personal feelings on it another day. For now that’s I really love having WIFI on it, I can use my home internet to surf with it and also when I go some place like a coffee shop or a place that offers free WIFI service. I would have to says its pretty much like having a min computer in my hand, that pretty much sums what the iphone is; It’s a computer.

I can say it’s not for everyone but since music keeps me alive inside when I down all I have to do is crank up the music and I’m feeling pretty good again.

I have always been a music person ever since I was a little boy. I even Disc Jockey for over 3 years had my own equipment and tons of CD’s.

So it’s like a mini disc jockey right in your pocket and with 16gigs I have enough room even to put movies on there. So I would say to everyone that does not have a ton of music, it might not be worth bying but on the other hand if you like having a mini DVD player it might also been fun you can convert DVD’s. Sean

Monday, July 14, 2008

Briana Playing Mini Golf I think shes going to be a golfer!

Here some pictures of Briana playing mini golf

Hello Well it’s been a few days,

Yesterday I Marni, Briana and Dee went and played mini golf again, of course Briana won LOL.
This time we play the outside course which was a lot of fun but it was HOT the sun was beating down on us pretty good.

Afterwards we all went to get some yummy ice cream so we would cool off so we headed to our Dairy Queen which was so YUMMY.

The above picture is Briana getting the golf ball in the cup and then telling us there's water in the hole! Then she ask why is there's water in the hole LOL and complanined that her golf ball was now wet.

It was too warm for me to cook dinner so I suggested going to Mc Donald’s for supper so that where we end up going.

Not much happening right now everything seems to have quite down for a while now.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So it finally arrived this July 11th !!!

Look out everyone stay away from Rogers Websites or any Rogers Store,

Because YES the I- phone has arrived in Canada in all the Rogers/Fido fashion.

Now anyone that knows me personal knows I am a gadget FREAK on anything electronics, I was so anticipating the arrival of the I-phone and all the benefits it would have 8 or 16g flash harddrive,Mp3, Email, what ever an I-touch does the I-phone is better.
Now after reading all the fun publicity Rogers has put out there on the I-phone, I thought to myself heck I’ll get one, I then ready the horror of how much data plans are going to be and was almost sick to my stomach, Now they did do have some pretty low plans starting from $65 but there are the high plans at $115, But after the rumors where put to rest and I found out more and more information by speaking to CS rep, I now have deicide to take the pluge; I will order an iphone sometime soon not right away, Its going as much as I pay now for my blackberry service and with the iphone promotional offers I couldn't get it any cheaper.

So know why you ask I blasted Rogers before is because I was figuring they where just trying to take more money out of peoples pocket, But what Rogers have done for there costumers is, if you order before Aug 31st they give you 6g's of data for $30 WOW thats alot of data.

Then you have to add your phone plan to the iphone which you can choose what plan you like for the phone.
So I did made a mistake on Rogers and I sorry for assuming the rumors; They did listen to the costumers for a change, which is great news to see such large corporation, listen to the little people for a change thank you Rogers.
I am glad I have been a Rogers costumer.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Briana in daycare 4 times a week!


Ok my life has been a bit crazy again for me and my poor wife, which is now the only driver since I am not allowed to drive, and then there the fact we only have 1 car LOL.

Why you ask my mom was transported to Orillia hospital, She needs to be closer for her daylily’s they were sending her back and forth from RVH to Orillia but we just found out her hips are getting hurt in the transport so the options was for to stay in Orillia and get better!.

This weekend was pretty much home time for all of us, Marni and Briana went to the park Sunday, Saturday Marni had work and Dee the poor girl have been inhaling very smelly fumes from staining the back and front decks, for the past few days but her reward for this terrible job is a new pay as you go cell phone she been wanting forever, Marni said she buy her one if she stained the front and back decks.

I am going to have a lot of alone time with out Briana, We got a call from a program, we signed up a year ago trying to get some extra funding for Briana daycare and we got the call, so now our Briana will go 4 times a week to daycare.

I now will have all this free time to roam and just relax, till Briana gets home from daycare, Marni going to have her hands full now, because she works Monday’s and Friday’s nights, so the poor girl on her dinner break, she’ll have to run pick up Briana and then bring her back home, then go back work till the store closes WOW.

Well that it for now.
Bye Sean

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Well its been a few days

Hello everyone,

My new hobby is drawing again, I suck big time, but I really enjoy the fulfillment of seeing what I have done on paper when the drawing works right.

My wife took Briana and Dee down to the waterfront on July I stayed home, it was much walking for me.

Briana had a blast and so did Dee; Briana went on a pony ride, I was also told by Briana she patted a snake, there was a reptile show also, don't worry there was no snake running around.

It got really pricey for my wife, when she bought drinks and food my wife; Bought Dee a slushy it was medium and it costs $5.00 bucks wow! I never thought frozen ice could cost so much LOL.

When they came home just after they had lunch, I and my wife took Briana too the park, It was way too busy down at the water front.
I took my wheel chair for a long ride, it wasn't too bad, but my knee's got really burnt and so did my arms oh yeah and Briana also had fun playing in the park!

Anyways not much else to add