Sunday, July 27, 2008

It’s all about the pool and the slide

It’s all about the slide,

Well today we drop Dee to camp, but before we drop her off we stop in to visit Laura, Larry, Mason and Ryan there are growing up so quickly I had'nt see them any of them in a very long time, it was great to catch up!

We got to Laura and Larry’s around 2pm.
Mason and Rayn’s had swing set and a little swimming pool with a play slide that went in to the pool, Well Briana saw this and that was it she went and got her swimsuit, it was very funny seeing her slide down and splashing in the pool.
Mason and Briana played in the pool for most of the afternoon, we had to cut it short because Briana was starting to turn blue she was so cold and it started to rain, We all made in side before everyone got wet.
Laura had set up a wonderful little fruit tray and meat slices and vegs tray, well let me say it was so delicious, Briana really enjoyed it because she ate almost all the strawberries she had composition with Ryan, that boy can EAT! And always thought Briana was fruit addicted Ryan is pretty good also. I think thats better then junk food!

The kids played inside with all Mason and Ryan's toys, the kids ate some more food, I kept thinking to myself where the hollow leg?

After we visited with Laura and Larry we started to head out and drop Dee off at camp she been there before she’d been a volunteer counsellor, last year looking after the Autism kids, she really enjoyed, It also breaks up a very long summer for her.
On the way home after we drop Dee off Briana was getting hungry again and so was mommy and daddy so we stop of at Briana favorite spot Mc Donald’s I took a cute picture of Briana eatting a french frie.

Well that’s about it for today