Monday, August 18, 2008

Fun Full Packed Day

So we went to Morgan’s 5th birthday party with the mad sciencetist party,
It was very interesting once the show got started, Briana was a little scared at first but warmed up really quickly playing with all the children.
We watch the sciencetist make fire and a light glow just by it self a cool trick was when water was poured in to a cylinder the trick was that there was a powered in the cylinder that made the water get soaked up and when she flip it over no water poured out. We go to feel the cold goop it was cold and wet, the funny part after she told us it was what they use in diapers. The best part for the kids is when they got to make there own slime.
We had a great time after the party was also we stayed at Kristi and Casey for supper the 3 littel girls decide to make a club house outside in the swing set some more pics are below Bryan and Marion stayed also we had such a good time, we didn’t get home till 7:00pm we where the whole day, Briana had so much FUN, she even slept in this morning till 8am I think.

Bye Sean