Well school back and back to work for everyone tomorrow, Dee sure not looking froward to it LOL.
This afternoon Briana and Marni went next door to go swimming, it was 94 degress in the pool Marni said it was like having a bath.
Briana like to play with the little boy next door his name is Leamin I hope that right.
All of us went out yesterday, this has been a very nice weekend, Marni went up this morining to go visit mom, I got to talk with her and she seem to perk up when Briana starting talking to her which was nice to hear.
Here a cute video of Briana playing on her bicycle.
I'll be home alone now and won't have any way to travel, hoping this gives me sometime to created a good website in flash, I'm learing pretty quicky at it and hoping I get some busniess to keep me busy this winter.
Talk with ya soon
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