Thursday, November 6, 2008

What the Heck Winter To Summer in 10 days YEAH!

Hello everyone,

Well from SNOW to summer all in about 10 days I’ll take it, wouldn’t you but don't hold out too much longer to get the shovel and snow blowers ready LOL?

The weather these past few days are outranges, I love it so hot for
Nov 6.

This is wonderful, Briana and Marni where home yesterday Wednesday Nov 5, pretty much Briana and Marni spent the whole day outside in this summer like weather I also managed to get outside and enjoy it.

Marni main task was to rank the leaves up in the front and backyard,
Briana has learned from preschool to jump in the leaves, so has Marni rank them up Briana would jump in them, very cute here some pictures, going to post on facebook today as I have a lot I forgot how many have a look!.

I have been busy just trying to figure out something, Can’t deicide if I won’t to draw or do websites I think websites I will be posting homemade templates that are done in flash so people can purchase them online, also thinking of doing it for low budget companies that would like a flash website or HTML, Now all I have to do is keep motivated towards this instead of thinking about and just doing it will let you know how it goes.
Other then this nothing much happening
Take care Sean,