Friday, September 5, 2008

Tears In Heaven

Hello everyone,

Well it has been quite a week for us the doctor granted me permission to visit mom I saw this Wednesday.

We had a discussion with the doctor about my mom health she losing the battles, Becky has chooses, per her request, off all life support systems and put her on an IV drip so she will be in no pain. Her kidneys have shut down and without the insulin she will slip in to a coma with is the best thing for her.

Marni has seen her progress get worse over the past few weeks, her infections have now take over her body and she is in so much pain, She has express to the psychiatrist, nurses the doctor, and Marni what she wants, which is no more dialysis’s, she is in her right mind to make this decision as if you have seen her, this is not mom she looks so fragile, 1 year this September 13 and I can’t believe she has fought this long.

When I saw her I thought she looked like she was 80 years old, I felt so bad for I could see the pain her eyes and knowing she was ready to give in keeping her alive would only prolong her pain and suffering there are no more options as the doctor as said so be brave everyone and take care MOM we all love you.

Sean, Marni, Briana and Dee


Anonymous said...

sean i miss crying as i write this!!

Anonymous said...

sean that was me.....i cant believe that mom is......please call me later id really appreciate it love sarah