Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Toronto General Hospital visit

Hello everyone,

It’s been awhile since I have last updated my BLOG,

So this is what’s happen, with the Toronto General Hospital visit,

I am starting to get worse getting more slow and just feel pretty lousy, we all know.

There is a product called Flolan, pretty extreme stuff we are thinking about getting involved with and a huge commitment on me and Marni life style.

Its starts by doing 2 weeks for Marni and I of training, I have to learn how to mix and care for the serum, how the pump machine works, that I would always have to use for the rest of my life there is a lot of necessary things that me and Marni would need to learn before going through this.

The process starts by putting a hick line in you all my heart area for a day (might remember this as mom had one put it for a different reason)

Then after I would be admitted to the hospital go back a few days later and have the pump machine added, I would have to stay in the hospital for about 4 days, and make sure I have no side effects with body and make sure I remember all the training I had.

Details that we where told on are, it always has to be keep cold, If I go out and I must bring my supplies with me as if something should fail, example my pump machine breaks down etc, I will have to use the back up, I can only have enough serum for a 48 period one that’s in the pump and a spare one that in the fridge, if have to go out I take it with me with me and keep in a cooler bag. I have to make sure I mix serum everyday at same time everyday because I only have a certain time frame before the drug leaves my system. I will be doing all of this after the holiday break sometime in the middle of Jan 09.
From what I and Marni understand there is a might take up to 6 months or less to see any signs of this drug doing anything to help me,
We where told it have to be slowly added to my body because of side effects.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

3 week till Christmas oh how sad it will be!

Hello all,

So it’s been a longtime since I last wrote a blog,
Nothing much happing really, Briana came home last Thursday with the flu bug and she was really sick, she slept on Sun, from 12:30pm till 7:00pm with out moving, she was in our room because she like’s watching the TV when she can but she was really out of it.

Never seen Briana loses her spark that happen this time.

Then I got the flu from Briana on Tues. and still somewhat have it I feel lousy and just plain old tired, but I’m trying to get better by eating food and drinking plenty of water and juice.

Well I now already for Christmas got all the presents bought now just to warp them up, It’s been a very wired feeling I have had lately, I know my mom gone I starting to get a little upset with out having her around, it was her favorite time of the year and I am coming now to the relation that I won’t see my mom for any major holidays which is like my birthday and so on, a lot of my other family is far away and just around the corner to visit.

This year was my mom Christmas year we where to go to her house for gifts and supper so instead we are going to go to my wife sister for supper it won’t be the same, but I’ll be with people that love me and try and keep my mind off my mom with her not around.

Oh how I will miss the fun times we had with my mom at Christmas there was so many wonderful bake goods and supper, I LOVE her home made stuffing what a treat that was when we got her to make it, the one thing I loved about one of my mom’s rules was there was NO TV aloud on Christmas Day at all and her reasons was since we all had new toys games and could play and talk with each other it was a good rule but she starting to let it go once we grew up well I know times fly’s, but this year I think its going to stand still for a moment for me when I get up on Christmas day and go and try to phone my mom or wait for that phone to ring and her voice on the other end so instead of doing that I’ll hold my head up high and look up to the sky and wish her a very merry Christmas and just hope for a moment I get a replay back LOVE YOU MOM MISS YOU !!!.