Monday, February 2, 2009

The return of Sean's Bloggin

Hello all,

Its been a very very long while sine I have blog!.

Well first let me tell you my Christmas was alright I was sick for most of the whole week but a shinning angel (mom) made me feel very great for Christmas day and Boxing Day!

So in all I have a great time at Kristi’s and Casey’s house with Valerie and Barry,
Then it happen I notice I was feeling very sickly and was retaining a very large portion of fluid on me, at this point I just thought I was sick again because 2 weeks before this I got Briana wonderful flu bug that she had, so I just keep thinking it was that again till my nurse came and said I should go to the hospital because she was very worried about me having pneumonia, as she heard a lot of fluid in my lungs.

So that Tuesday Jan 6 Marni took me down to the emergency at TGH hospital and would you know it I was having a very bad heart failure, So the doctors told Marni and I would be admitted for aprrox 10 days well you should have seen Marni’s face, it look like she was going reach across the room and strangle the doctor for saying that, LOL but after 3 long weeks came home Jan 28, still not doing the greatest but just glad to be back home.

Still very worried I will have to back as I still gaining fluid and not losing it has my kidney’s are dehydrated and I’m not going to the washroom as I should be!

Also why I said in a lot longer is I took the plunge to start Flolan so I had about 1 week and half of training to learn how too mix and care for the needles and all the other supplies, Marni also had to learn.

Briana was so happy too see me home and I was glad to see her bright blue eyes and her wonderful smile! On very sad note the doctors have told me and Marni I shouldn’t be left alone with her anymore which is very hard to hear but it is the truth as I have a HICKMAN line in my chest and if something ever happen Briana would be stranded, so I see there point, just more work for Marni, sometimes I just don’t know how she does it all I LOVE HER SO MUCH I just wish I could give her something!!

Anyways I’ll keep you all in touch