Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Toronto General Hospital visit

Hello everyone,

It’s been awhile since I have last updated my BLOG,

So this is what’s happen, with the Toronto General Hospital visit,

I am starting to get worse getting more slow and just feel pretty lousy, we all know.

There is a product called Flolan, pretty extreme stuff we are thinking about getting involved with and a huge commitment on me and Marni life style.

Its starts by doing 2 weeks for Marni and I of training, I have to learn how to mix and care for the serum, how the pump machine works, that I would always have to use for the rest of my life there is a lot of necessary things that me and Marni would need to learn before going through this.

The process starts by putting a hick line in you all my heart area for a day (might remember this as mom had one put it for a different reason)

Then after I would be admitted to the hospital go back a few days later and have the pump machine added, I would have to stay in the hospital for about 4 days, and make sure I have no side effects with body and make sure I remember all the training I had.

Details that we where told on are, it always has to be keep cold, If I go out and I must bring my supplies with me as if something should fail, example my pump machine breaks down etc, I will have to use the back up, I can only have enough serum for a 48 period one that’s in the pump and a spare one that in the fridge, if have to go out I take it with me with me and keep in a cooler bag. I have to make sure I mix serum everyday at same time everyday because I only have a certain time frame before the drug leaves my system. I will be doing all of this after the holiday break sometime in the middle of Jan 09.
From what I and Marni understand there is a might take up to 6 months or less to see any signs of this drug doing anything to help me,
We where told it have to be slowly added to my body because of side effects.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

3 week till Christmas oh how sad it will be!

Hello all,

So it’s been a longtime since I last wrote a blog,
Nothing much happing really, Briana came home last Thursday with the flu bug and she was really sick, she slept on Sun, from 12:30pm till 7:00pm with out moving, she was in our room because she like’s watching the TV when she can but she was really out of it.

Never seen Briana loses her spark that happen this time.

Then I got the flu from Briana on Tues. and still somewhat have it I feel lousy and just plain old tired, but I’m trying to get better by eating food and drinking plenty of water and juice.

Well I now already for Christmas got all the presents bought now just to warp them up, It’s been a very wired feeling I have had lately, I know my mom gone I starting to get a little upset with out having her around, it was her favorite time of the year and I am coming now to the relation that I won’t see my mom for any major holidays which is like my birthday and so on, a lot of my other family is far away and just around the corner to visit.

This year was my mom Christmas year we where to go to her house for gifts and supper so instead we are going to go to my wife sister for supper it won’t be the same, but I’ll be with people that love me and try and keep my mind off my mom with her not around.

Oh how I will miss the fun times we had with my mom at Christmas there was so many wonderful bake goods and supper, I LOVE her home made stuffing what a treat that was when we got her to make it, the one thing I loved about one of my mom’s rules was there was NO TV aloud on Christmas Day at all and her reasons was since we all had new toys games and could play and talk with each other it was a good rule but she starting to let it go once we grew up well I know times fly’s, but this year I think its going to stand still for a moment for me when I get up on Christmas day and go and try to phone my mom or wait for that phone to ring and her voice on the other end so instead of doing that I’ll hold my head up high and look up to the sky and wish her a very merry Christmas and just hope for a moment I get a replay back LOVE YOU MOM MISS YOU !!!.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Photography Making Me Happy!!

Hello All,

Well we got a lot of snow up here right now,
Thank goodness it’s has not been too bad, we only been really hit hard the one time which was last Sunday, when my Aunt Debby, Uncle George, Shannon and Ryan came to visit

I become interested in photography starting using a Canon G9, I am really starting to enjoy some of the pictures I been taking it’s the first time I have felt inspired since the lost of my mom maybe she helping me along the way!!!, I joined a few photography forums and posted some pictures of Briana and sunsets and other pictures and have won 4-5 contests, no money involved just getting my photo’s saying there are done very well and coming in first place over about 5-10 photographers.

I’m hoping to upload them to a website for everyone to see, soon so come back soon and I’ll post a link to the website soon as I get it finished.

Take care
Here a few I taken I been using a Canon G9

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Hello all,

It’s been a while since my last update, I must say not too much to report which is great new, expect the BIG snowfall oh yeah the gas stove broke AGAIN so Marni and I just got fed up with it and we went out and got a new stove this time electric for get gas anymore.

I had too wake up this morning, I had Briana for the past couple of days Marni’s been busy with work I had to get up today at 6:30am because Marni had layout at her work.

My Aunt Debby, Uncle George, Shannon and Ryan came up for a visit; we had a really great time visiting them, Debby make homemade chili for us to eat for lunch.

Marni came home and took Briana out to play in the snow here’s some pictures
I mean there a lot of snow! Bye Sean

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What the Heck Winter To Summer in 10 days YEAH!

Hello everyone,

Well from SNOW to summer all in about 10 days I’ll take it, wouldn’t you but don't hold out too much longer to get the shovel and snow blowers ready LOL?

The weather these past few days are outranges, I love it so hot for
Nov 6.

This is wonderful, Briana and Marni where home yesterday Wednesday Nov 5, pretty much Briana and Marni spent the whole day outside in this summer like weather I also managed to get outside and enjoy it.

Marni main task was to rank the leaves up in the front and backyard,
Briana has learned from preschool to jump in the leaves, so has Marni rank them up Briana would jump in them, very cute here some pictures, going to post on facebook today as I have a lot I forgot how many have a look!.

I have been busy just trying to figure out something, Can’t deicide if I won’t to draw or do websites I think websites I will be posting homemade templates that are done in flash so people can purchase them online, also thinking of doing it for low budget companies that would like a flash website or HTML, Now all I have to do is keep motivated towards this instead of thinking about and just doing it will let you know how it goes.
Other then this nothing much happening
Take care Sean,

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Introducing the elegant princess Briana

Hello All,

Well Briana had so much fun on Halloween she was such a good little princes,
Marni took her back over to are old neighborhood, everyone was so glad to see Briana.

In the meantime I and Dee gave out the candy what a drag that was we only 20 kids and Marni had bought enough for 100 kids LOL, so to say we have candy left over is about right.

Other then that we close up shop around 8:30 no one was around.

Now its time to start packing up the Halloween stuff and sort through the ton and tons of Christmas decorations we have from my mom’s house, that will be very sad and hard this year.

Seeing my entire mom’s stuff in our house and no mom to enjoy it with, there will be a lots of tears this year but we will make it thorough it.

I feel sad though because Briana had so much fun with Halloween and now Christmas is coming, she understand it now and when my mom was alive she was just a year old and didn’t get it, my mom never go to see the excitement in Briana face as she going to have this for this year.

Anyways hope all is well

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More SNOW on the WAY! Christmas in October??

Hello Everyone,

Well the SNOW has melted which is great news, but I have been hearing updates that we will be getting some tomorrow afternoon. YUCK!

On Sunday I think it was all of us went to Newmarket to go to Upper Canada Mall which was very nice to get out, Dee wanted to buy something, but after looking for quite awhile there was nothing she saw she liked, that girl in shopping!!! She’s a hard pleaser when it comes to clothes.

I have not been to Upper Canada Mall in a very long time I was shocked too see how much it had changed, it was very nice design Marni pushed me around and Dee drove Briana in her stroller well sort of she keep jumping in and out but it was a great carry for our coats LOL.

After shopping we saw my sister and her boyfriend, we went and saw her new apartment very cute little 3 bedroom, which will be great for there first place together (I think).

After that we went to Boston Pizza in Newmarket, what a tragic mistake that was we had very rude waitress so after we left Marni did the online survey they give you on your bill and the manager called us and we where told she was brand new and only had been there 2 weeks was not certain on how things went, but when I bad service I mean it, So the manager at Boston Pizza is sending us some gift cards to go back and get free pizza next time where in Newmarket.

This morning Briana decide to wake us up at 5:30 am and would not go back to bed, I had her tonight because Marni working, she was grumpy she keep trying to go to sleep but I did mange to keep her awake till 8pm now all we have to hope for that she sleeps in!

Anyways that about it for the past few days
See ya

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hollween a week a way and we have SNOW

Hello all,

Well not much happening this week with me I’m very bored lately but I’m trying to keep smiling with winter coming I am going to be house bound very soon.
The other day Briana woke me up at 7:30am asking me if I wanted to go out and playing the snow, for a second there I thought I was dreaming but as I woke up and saw her hat and winter coat on I went oh no its true.
I woke up around 10am that day and went to get a coffee and look out side when my sister Shannon txt my cell phone saying YEAH IT’S SNOWING, I can’t repeat what I wrote back in my txt LOL.
So as I watch the snow falling harder and harder think great time to get the snow blower out find my hat and gloves, winter coat I decided to get out my blackberry cell phone and take some pictures.

Well I was glad when I woke up the next morning and saw the snow was starting to melt but oh this could be a sign of a very snowy winter. Anyway hope all is well with everyone Sean

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Briana trying out for SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE, I know I can (hehe)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Toronto General Hospital Finally it happen

Finally it happen,

I’m too sure if any of you remember that I was suppose to have appointment a few months (its been over a year ) back at Toronto General Hospital well since my regular life got in the way with Briana getting sick, me watching mom her 4 foster kids for 8 months then my mom passing away it never happen.

Well it did today which I was quite worried about and very nervous, there been so much attention to everything else that has been happening in my life, I just let me health take a step backwards, I was feeling ok, and it’s just with the seriours of my heart condition, but I should have taken a step forward and not backwards.

Well I went there this morning and everything was pretty quick, I can my echo done right away, was not to long this time because, the doctors wanted less pictures, I then went and saw my doctor and there where some test prior that should have been done but never where due to my personal life turning up side down.

So in the next couple of months I need to go back down and revisited them to have a CAT scan done and then see another doctor that I have not seen in while which is good news I feel will let everyone know what happen.

Anyways that it for now

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving but there is still an empty feeling


It’s going to very difficult thanksgiving this year,
It will be the first major holiday with out my mom, I know she will be watching or making nuts trying to get involved from above but it’s not the same, There be no fresh homemade apple pie and the homemade stuffing when we got to make it, the great laughter of my mom in the kitchen telling story’s of setting her BOOBS on fire, burning her foot with turkey grease sounds bad but very funny you had to be there.

SO PLEASE make sure you give thanks to all your loved ones that are still with you and around even a quick phone or email can brigthen someone day!

We will be making sure we give thanks to the people that are still with us and the ones that always are in our hearts not with us anymore but they will NEVER be forgotten.

Remember the angels are watching out for you making you have peace and love.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Well getting back in to life again

Well getting back in to life again,

So it’s been a trying time with the loss of my mother,
But I’m now trying to look forward for a positive side of my loss.

Now on to what been driving me NUTS and MAD as heck,
What is wrong with the developer of which we all come to love and now HATE LOL

My problem is the LAYOUT sucks so freaking bad you can’t do a lot of the applications, they don’t seem to work right, Now don’t get me wrong I still will use it but I’m hoping the developers get there head out of there wallets and fix it.

I figure they change it do to all the royal fees they get from advertisements or this what pays for there hosting domain and webspace, but come on there got to be a limit somewhere.

So what I have noticed now is you get a middle line page and the left and right all you get now is advertising ads. I am just hoping they change it back or make much easier to find my wall, photo’s etc.

Also on Saturday we made visit to the library to get some books, music and CDS for Briana before we went to Kristi's and Casey. I got some more drawing books to start drawing again lost a lot of time since we had my mom pass away, but I really enjoyed it, so I'm going to take time and practice with my days spending some good quality time learning which I need

Now during the weekend on Saturday I think we went and saw Kristi, Casey, Brooke and Morgan also Valire and Barry where there visiting. We had a great time I took some pictures with my iphone.

Thank you Sean

Saturday, September 20, 2008



Well it’s been an almost a week with the loss of losing my mother we had her funereal September 14 2008 in Branford ON very nice little funereal home.

I still can’t believe she really gone I keep thinking if I call her, she’ll pick her phone up it’s a very unfamiliar feeling know you have lost a parent and you can’t just call them..

I start to wonder to myself if she knew this was coming and that’s why she had everything setup for me and Marni.

It’s was very strange for me too see all her family and friends there and knowing she was not around when she had any big event she was the hosted.

Anyone that knows my mom knew through well HELL of party and enjoyed it very much always wanted to be the hosted, her Christmas party’s where outrages and so amazing that was my mom favorite time of the year she was Miss Claus, anyone saying she was not did not know her at all, The food and house decorations she had in her house she had it so done up on the inside it look alike a winter wonderland.

The one thing and will really miss is her Thanksgiving turkey dinners WOW what an amazing supper, The main part of her Thanksgiving was it was all about the family getting together and remember the good times and of course there was the FOOD we could have feed a football team and a hockey team, with her 45lb turkey mash potatoes, honey glazed a carrots and her homemade stuffing was the best anyone on ever had.

She start at 9am and been done around 10pm I’m telling you she was a machine when it came to having a family event.

Well my mom hope you can still have those fun times in heaven because you will surely be missed here, You where amazing person and woman I still can’t believe your truly gone with out having you I sometimes lost, but then I look at my daughter and knowing she had some really good times when you where her and hoping she will remember all the fun her grandma had with her you will never be forgotten

Love Sean


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mom I will always be looking up for you

Very sad turn of events,

My mom lost her battle with her infection on Sept 10 2008 at 9:35 am I received a very up setting phone call for the Orilla hosptial.

It was for the best, She free now watching down and making sure will all be safe.

My mom was very special lady she a foster parent you took kids off the street and open her arms in her very own home for over 20 years and in those years she had 24 kids come and go but the kids never forgot about a lady who had an impact in there lives, this is why she did it for so long the reward of watching a kid grow up being someone special, She showed them what a real family life was and lot of them understood it a respected it,

To this day we still see a few of them.
My sister Shannon which I have had contact with for over 18 years, she's like my own sister.

O'BRIEN, Rebecca (Becky)

Peacefully passed away in her sleep at Soldiers' Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, September 10, 2008.
Becky (Fraleigh) O'Brien of Barrie and formerly of Holland Landing at 58 years of age. Loving mother of Sean (Marni), Shannon and Dee.
Proud grandma of Briana.

Dear sister of Debby, Peter and Paul. Becky will be sadly missed by her parents and will be fondly remembered by Gary.
She will always be remembered for her kind heart and welcoming arms, By the many foster children she cared for and loved over the past 20 years. If you can find in your heart Donations may be made to the Canadian Diabetes Association.

You one amazing mom I MISS YOU

Friday, September 5, 2008

Tears In Heaven

Hello everyone,

Well it has been quite a week for us the doctor granted me permission to visit mom I saw this Wednesday.

We had a discussion with the doctor about my mom health she losing the battles, Becky has chooses, per her request, off all life support systems and put her on an IV drip so she will be in no pain. Her kidneys have shut down and without the insulin she will slip in to a coma with is the best thing for her.

Marni has seen her progress get worse over the past few weeks, her infections have now take over her body and she is in so much pain, She has express to the psychiatrist, nurses the doctor, and Marni what she wants, which is no more dialysis’s, she is in her right mind to make this decision as if you have seen her, this is not mom she looks so fragile, 1 year this September 13 and I can’t believe she has fought this long.

When I saw her I thought she looked like she was 80 years old, I felt so bad for I could see the pain her eyes and knowing she was ready to give in keeping her alive would only prolong her pain and suffering there are no more options as the doctor as said so be brave everyone and take care MOM we all love you.

Sean, Marni, Briana and Dee

Monday, September 1, 2008

A amazing weekend to end the summer


Well school back and back to work for everyone tomorrow, Dee sure not looking froward to it LOL.

This afternoon Briana and Marni went next door to go swimming, it was 94 degress in the pool Marni said it was like having a bath.
Briana like to play with the little boy next door his name is Leamin I hope that right.

All of us went out yesterday, this has been a very nice weekend, Marni went up this morining to go visit mom, I got to talk with her and she seem to perk up when Briana starting talking to her which was nice to hear.

Here a cute video of Briana playing on her bicycle.

I'll be home alone now and won't have any way to travel, hoping this gives me sometime to created a good website in flash, I'm learing pretty quicky at it and hoping I get some busniess to keep me busy this winter.

Talk with ya soon


Friday, August 29, 2008



What a week its been,

I had some major family issue this week, won’t get in to the details it still hurts.

I did mange to still have some fun at The CNE even though I keep thinking I felt like I was doing something wrong.

Me and my dad got there around 12:30pm and stayed till around 7pm, got home around 9 or 10pm traffic was heavy on all the major routes we took. On the way down we saw a major motorcycle accident, we just got by in time before the close the highway down in both directions. As we headed down we heard the traffic report saying they where bringing in the rescue air helicopter as we drove we look up and could see the helicopter flying above us heading towards it.

So when we got there we where both wanting something to eat went to the food building I was a little disappointment in the food this year, there was no pizza delight anymore and the Hershey candy place had been taken out, but there was still yummy food there.

After we had lunch we went through the buildings, I bought a zestier been looking for awhile other then that nothing else.

We watch some shows, the funny part was I had rented a scooter and all was ok till around 2pm when the scooter die well sort of I have enough power to made it back to where we got it from and traded it in.
There is guy that takes rocks and can get them to stand up really high I’m not too sure on he does this but it’s amazing to watch I took some pictures.
We went to the farm building I took a picture of this sandcastle that was Really and also they had taken bricks of large size butter and made really amazing scalpers out of them.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Summer closing Hello Shovel and Snow Blowers

Hello All,

Well its been busy week for me as Marni had her holidays and we where busy visiting friends and family, Last week we went to see Marni’s dad up at Horseshoe Resort for supper for Morgan birthday and granny Gill’s.
We had a good time the girls went swimming Brooke, Morgan, Briana, Dee and Marni also Gill. I stay back and watch some TV.

Well it finally happen my mom’s house SOLD last week, the new people have moved in and all is clam now for the most part.

Today is my Mom’s birthday also Aug 23 I will call her in a little while and wish her a happy birthday I hope she will pick her phone up.

My mom is still in the hospital with infections I not sure if they are ever going to go away I just hope for her, because if she could get rid of them she might start making better progress to a recovery stage not that she not doing to bad for all most being in the hospital a year this Sept..

The one thing that nice is her room is over a terrace and then can put her in the special chair they have for her and wheel her out side for some fresh air.

Well I can’t believe summer coming to an end, soon the kids will be back in school and I will have the whole day to myself, not that I don’t have it now, Dee’s has been home for most summer. I just hope I don’t get too lonely not having a lot of ways to escape my house with out a vehicle.

Me and my dad are going to The CNE this Wed or Thurs. not sure on the except day but we go every year for the past 5 years it’s a father son tradition we started way back when, most of the time we never buy anything we just go to the food building, we look at the exhibits buildings and just had a good time.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fun Full Packed Day

So we went to Morgan’s 5th birthday party with the mad sciencetist party,
It was very interesting once the show got started, Briana was a little scared at first but warmed up really quickly playing with all the children.
We watch the sciencetist make fire and a light glow just by it self a cool trick was when water was poured in to a cylinder the trick was that there was a powered in the cylinder that made the water get soaked up and when she flip it over no water poured out. We go to feel the cold goop it was cold and wet, the funny part after she told us it was what they use in diapers. The best part for the kids is when they got to make there own slime.
We had a great time after the party was also we stayed at Kristi and Casey for supper the 3 littel girls decide to make a club house outside in the swing set some more pics are below Bryan and Marion stayed also we had such a good time, we didn’t get home till 7:00pm we where the whole day, Briana had so much FUN, she even slept in this morning till 8am I think.

Bye Sean

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Are Saturday Adventure

Good day,

Well today was a very busy day for me, I can say, was not bored at all,
This afternoon me Marni and Briana went to go see Morgan play soccer it was her last game of the season, It was very funny to watch 5 year girls change after a ball that almost as big as them LOL.
After the game we came back home Briana was in a grumpy she was in a mood all day, so we made her have a nap and of course she sleep but keep telling us I’m not tired, I also had a nap with her, I was tired!
After me and Briana had our naps , Me Marni Dee and Briana went to Orillia to visit my mom, I drop off Marni at the hospital we my heart condition I been advised not to get to close because of my mom’s infection she has,
So for about 1 hr, or so the 3 of us went to Arby’s, I can say I have not been there in quite a few years, there’s none around us,
It was a very nice treat to have; Briana of course had chicken fingers.
After we had super we went an picked up Marni again and headed back home which was event also, When going to Orillia we had the windows open and something few in didn’t think anything at the time, but on the way home Briana saw the bug which turned in to a very big bee, Marni had to pull over to try and kill it, then it slip down the front window vents, so for the whole ride home daddy I had to keep his eyes on the vent to make it had died; In the meantime Briana keep picking her baby toenail and it started to bleed, because the nail spilt, well did she start crying she not a big fan of blood after the poor girl almost get traumatismed with effects of seeing my leg beeld, Marni almost had to pull over again but Briana stopped which was good and we made it home any more hassles.
Tomorrow where going to go Morgan birthday party which should be very interesting it’s a mad sciencetist party, not sure on whats it going to be like, I’ll take pictures and post, give you a full details later.

Bye for now

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So bored.

Hello all,

It been a very slow couple of weeks for me,

Not much happening, sadly the summer coming to the end which sucks I am hoping all of us will go too The CNE.

Briana doing well, should just move up pre school, at daycare, she not too sure on it but hopefully she learn to adjust. I am doing ok, finally able to have shower again since my legs is pretty much healed still a big spot but its looks much better, Briana is happier since I don’t have a bandage on.

Not much else really going on, we finally sold my mom’s house which is great new everyone signed the paper work and now we are waiting to make sure it all goes throughc does seem like there will be any promblem.

My mom still not doing to well she very sick still, but the doctors are still hoping she will me a recover as long as her infections can clear up.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fort making !!

Good Day,

Well it’s been a crazy week,

I had Briana on Wednesday for the morning and since it was raining out we couldn’t go outside which she was very upset about, So I remember when I was young I use to love making forts with pillows and blankets, So took the patio cushions and set up a little fort for her, mind you she said it was her house! LOL
Here are so cute pictures.

Later the evening it cleared up and we all got to go out side well that was fun also
In the meantime another offer came in on my mom’s house,
We hoping this one will work ok better then that last one.

I created a new company called Crywolf DVD Creations.
Here my Company Logo made my brother in-law

I’m in the middle of redesigning the website it looks a little Funny
Check it out at

Well I post more in a few days

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hello all

Well I have not seen Dark Knight so I won’t commit on how the movie is.
Every time I read my news ticker from Yahoo its saying Dark Knight has hit another mind stone in making the most money.
I just wondering something it’s made millions of dollars so far but why?
There’s an article on yahoo saying Dark Knight" director surprised at film success but question that remains would it have been such a success if Heath Ledger had not died,
Is this why everyone rushing too see the movie, because or are there that many Batman fans out there?
Now don’t get me wrong my friend has a blog went and saw the midnight showing and he did his own review on the flim, He did a much better then mine and he’d mention that Heath Ledger was amazing mad man being the joker, but would it had been such a great success if Heath Ledger had not died or would it just have been a regualr type hero movie?
I fine this mind bogging, this movie had made over at the North American box office for a second weekend racing past $300 million in a record 10 days,
That a lot of money I also know of a few people that have seen it 3-4 times already,
I just hoping that it’s not going to hurt the next Batman movie that comes to theaters
Who ever the villain is has a lot to live up too since Heath Ledger did such a fantastic job playing the joker will the new villain be able to live up to his status.

I'll guess will have to wait and see. Sean

Sunday, July 27, 2008

It’s all about the pool and the slide

It’s all about the slide,

Well today we drop Dee to camp, but before we drop her off we stop in to visit Laura, Larry, Mason and Ryan there are growing up so quickly I had'nt see them any of them in a very long time, it was great to catch up!

We got to Laura and Larry’s around 2pm.
Mason and Rayn’s had swing set and a little swimming pool with a play slide that went in to the pool, Well Briana saw this and that was it she went and got her swimsuit, it was very funny seeing her slide down and splashing in the pool.
Mason and Briana played in the pool for most of the afternoon, we had to cut it short because Briana was starting to turn blue she was so cold and it started to rain, We all made in side before everyone got wet.
Laura had set up a wonderful little fruit tray and meat slices and vegs tray, well let me say it was so delicious, Briana really enjoyed it because she ate almost all the strawberries she had composition with Ryan, that boy can EAT! And always thought Briana was fruit addicted Ryan is pretty good also. I think thats better then junk food!

The kids played inside with all Mason and Ryan's toys, the kids ate some more food, I kept thinking to myself where the hollow leg?

After we visited with Laura and Larry we started to head out and drop Dee off at camp she been there before she’d been a volunteer counsellor, last year looking after the Autism kids, she really enjoyed, It also breaks up a very long summer for her.
On the way home after we drop Dee off Briana was getting hungry again and so was mommy and daddy so we stop of at Briana favorite spot Mc Donald’s I took a cute picture of Briana eatting a french frie.

Well that’s about it for today

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Briana Playing Briana Daycare and update on my mom!

Good Day,
Well I had Briana yesterday for part of the afternoon, let me tell she was in a ripe mood she was whiney and very grouching and she refused to take a nap! Mind you I feel asleep no problem well, she sat in on our bed watching treehouse and waking me up every 15 minutes asking if mommy was home LOL so I didn’t get much sleep.

On Sunday she did something funny, she decide to have Briana daycare in the kitchen so she got most of her blankets and teddy bears and monkeys.

Then sat them on our cushions had them lined up for there naptime as read them stories to put

them to sleep, It was very cute.

Well I finally able to have a shower this morning it was great, because of my leg I was not able to
shower, I could only wash up in the bathroom sink and wash my hair, but on Tuesday my nurse said I could have a shower and then just change the bandied after.
It was very nice to feel clean again LOL and fresh smelling.
My mom’s still in the hospital but she was moved from RVH to Orillia she doing ok still not much improvement; That I and all my family can see.

There’s a group meeting with doctors at the end of July to see where her progress is going and what can be done for her, but its almost been 1 year since, she went in on Sept 13th 2007 and still trying to recover from everything.

In the meantime we still have my mom’s house up for sale its crazy no one wants to buy it, we had offers but there just to low for us maybe being picky but I just don’t’ want to let it go for nothing, we enough money to pay everything off still won’t have enough money to cover everything I believe.
